Doing sport is important, but listening is important too

 Hi again, students!

In this blog we are working on a lot of different aspectes about the learning of english, so now I come here with a new format, a format that is increasing its populartity nowadays, the concept of "podcast".

A podcast is a type of audio product (usually done in series with several chapters) which on is protagonized for a single voice or a group, like in a conversation, using spoken words to discuss or talking about a topic of any kind.

There are a huge amount of good podcasts published in different websites, so is very easy find archives of excellent quality, and I found the next one for you. In this program the host invited to small group of young girls who play sports with determination and passion:

Podcast of Sports Girls

Thanks to this interesting stuff I was convinced to do the same of my own, so I bring here for you this brief podcast recorded by myself, I hope you like it!


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