Keep exploring the world of English!

And I´m going to explain you how to keep the process, keep improving your develop in this language meanwhile we enjoy the sports.

Just you can see in the blog, we have already worked the listening and talking, now it´s time to read!

Well, I know without doubts that everybody has read something in his life, maybe not so much but a little is fine, but, does somone know what is an audiobook? Well, it´s something from the past but its popularity is increasing thanks to this interest of podcast, due the audiobook is, literrally, an audio which some voice read a book of any kind.

There are a lot of products considered as audiobooks and I could fin two archives like these on YouTube, a good examples of people reading with passionate voices. Aswell, I consider interesting that you can see the text and the illustrations of this books while you pay attention to the voice.


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